By Abdulrahman Yunusa
It’s indeed true that the sacred book of history is full to the brim with wanted and unwanted accounts which obtained their special position therein. Perhaps the codified book was kept intact despite the fast run of time. Still, it was/will mean to peruse and take a didactic dekko to the past incidents by the future generation in order to grab some ideas about the past and purposely to learn and adjust for the future.
Upon all the abysmal situations we are going through a couple with the catastrophic incidents we are witnessing in this country today, all are nothing but the products and aftermath of 15-1-1966 which was initiated by some few unpatriotic folks in the in name of ethnic chauvinism and bigotry.
There had been a history which had portrayed how the pitiful event took place and it was full of sentiments, lack of human feelings, ignorance and above all ethnic bigotry. But inspite of that, few were lucky enough to escape the jargons and gibberish of the fake news peddlers and truth haters whom were famously aiming at changing the real narratives to suites their minds and ego.
Perhaps, Sardauna and Tafawa Balewa were the Northern shining stars which their impeccable personalities bought them massive love and respect from their counterparts, yet they were killed for ill purpose and their selfless service to humanity will forever keep earning them special recognition.
However, no any huge mistake than taking a decisive action in shadow of misunderstanding but that was what their chauvinistic perception caused to the baby country at the very time where their service was in need of the most, for they were the architect of the then administrative structure.
No image can vividly give a picture of the bleeding days, but then there are on the ground several versions of histories written for that same painful occasions by many authors, this might encompass the true and untrue ones, the unsentimental and centrist one and the original as well as the faked one. Indeed all wrote what they feel it will serve their purpose and give a clear picture upon which it will justify their shenanigan and nonsenses.
Truth be told upon any without fear or favor, The Sardauna, Tafawa Balewa, Maimalari and the rest of their cohorts were seen as the gigantic problems to the country and for that, they must receive such dirty treatment from the hand of so called revolutionaries who happened to be the entrusted boys to the assassinated martyrs. And they woefully failed to realize that Sardauna and his cohort were the saints of that time inspite of knowing they must have some of their lapses as other humans but they were the very best creature to be ever seen in the history of Nigeria.
Unfortunately, Nzegwo and his boys were the ones who instigated the match here in the north. All in an attempt to clear the err of Sardauna and his people which resulted in the unending tension and rivalry among the citizens of the same country ( North and South ). Although the North shall remember and never let go of the painful exit of their ancestors in vain.
Their days ended when their service is needed the most for the betterment of future Nigeria and they left a colorful as well as sumptuous history to their upcoming generation.
Your great service to the nation will never be forgotten and the tribute must be issued to you in memory to your patriotic actions
Adieu great Nationalist.
Abdulrahman Yunusa